

Holistic Counseling & Therapy

Think of your life as a movie. What type of ending do you want? What do you need to do in order to achieve that ending? Dr. Elena Coello-Jemmali at Holistic Psychology uses a variety of holistic techniques to help you lead the life you want. Her services are open to patients of all ages, from children to seniors.

Overcome Obstacles

There are numerous obstacles that can stand in the way of happiness and fulfillment. Dr. Elena is a caring, sensitive, and knowledgeable psychologist who provides guidance and support in a nurturing environment. She will help you identify and overcome the issues that are standing in your way, including:

• Negative Beliefs
• Inappropriate Behaviors

• Uncomfortable Feelings
• Poor Health

• Energetic Blockages

Breathe deeply

Energy Psychology and psychotherapy include approaches to the assessments and treatment of psychological problems via bioenergy systems. This form of therapy focuses on the interrelationship between energy systems, emotion, psychopathology, behavior, and health. It specifically addresses the underlying energetic aspects of the problem by examining the relationships among bioenergy, consciousness, thought, irrationality, and spirituality. The therapist also uses standard therapeutic techniques, such as build rapport, listening, and discussing issues with the patient. This form of therapy often achieves observable and measurable results within a short time frame, and these results are achieved without undue emotional distress or abreaction.

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a sophisticated approach to psychotherapy that integrates the elements of many effective therapies in combination with eye movement, or various form of bilateral stimulation, in structured protocols that are designed to stimulate the brain's information processing and maximize therapeutic effects. The basic assumption of EMDR is that some of our negative emotions — such as fear, anxiety, and depression — are mere experiences that were not processed completely. These experiences are locked in our nervous system and stored in memory networks as trauma. The objective of EMDR is to complete the information processing, thereby helping the person to achieve healthier and balanced responses.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Acute Stress

Generalized Anxiety


Chronic Pain

Grief & Loss

Self-Esteem Issues

QUEX-ED/SCIO Quantum Biofeedback

QUEX-ED/SCIO Quantum Biofeedback reveals a client's voltage, amperage, resistance, and other electrical calculations, which may be important indicators of wellness. Different lifestyles could contribute to the body's overall stress levels, and these are indicated in the QUEX-ED/SCIO Biofeedback System's Suppression Obstruction Cure (SOC) scores. The system sends signals to measure and record electro-physiological reactions, which can be used to re-educate specific muscles, nerves, or organs. It can also be used to retrain areas of the body and mind to develop healthier patterns.

Mental/Physical Healing

Learning to own your personal power by achieving psychological and spiritual health  

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